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Do you want to dedicate your free time to something meaningful and lend a hand to a project that won't happen again anytime soon? Volunteering for Trenčín 2026 is your opportunity.

For everyone from 15 to 100 years old :)

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What can I help with?

Discover opportunities

Is volunteering for me?

Yes, it's for you too. If you belong to the younger generation, volunteering is a great experience. You'll meet interesting and like-minded people in your city. You'll gain contacts that can open many doors for you in life. Besides the good feeling of helping your city, you'll have the satisfaction of knowing that you have an experience on your resume that can impress.

And what about older volunteers? We want you too! We welcome wisdom and life experience in our volunteer ranks. We offer a change from your daily routine, participation in interesting events, and the opportunity to broaden your horizons.

ponuka pre dobrovoľníkov

What activities can I participate in?

→ Korzo Palackého

A city festival during which Palackého Street comes to life with markets, culture, and gatherings.

→ Concerts in Garage

Summer concert series featuring young bands, providing them with a platform to showcase their talent.

Fill our form and join volunteer community

Your volunteering could look like this:

Čo sa doteraz udialo v projekte DOBROvoľníctvo?


Project is managed by

Stanislava Mináriková

Volunteer coordinator

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