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Competition Statute

This document (hereinafter referred to as the “Statute”) governs the rules and conditions of the competition announced by the competition announcer mentioned in Section I of the Statute, the detailed description of which is provided in this Statute, and which will take place through the profile of the competition announcer mentioned in Section I of the Statute established on the social network Facebook and Instagram under the name “@trencin2026” (hereinafter referred to as the “Competition”).


​Company Name: Kreatívny inštitút Trenčín n.o.

Registered Office: Mierové nám. 1/2, 91101 Trenčín

Company ID: 54345987 Registered in the register of non-profit organizations maintained by the Ministry of the Interior of the Slovak Republic, reg. no. OVVS/NO/310-1/2022

Tax ID: 2121649222

(hereinafter referred to as the “Competition Announcer”)


  1. The purpose of the Competition is to promote the products and services of the Competition Announcer.

  2. The subject of the Competition is detailed in the text of the Statute published on the website, along with a description of the activity required for participation in the Competition.


The Competition runs from July 11, 2024, at 12:00 PM until July 13, 2024, at 8:00 PM. The latest possible time to participate in the Competition in accordance with the conditions specified in the Statute is July 13, 2024, at 8:00 PM.


  1. Any natural person who is at least 18 years old and meets all the conditions set forth in the Statute (hereinafter referred to as the “Participant”) can participate in the Competition.

  2. Persons who are in an employment or similar relationship with the Competition Announcer, as well as persons close to those mentioned in this paragraph as defined by Section 116 of the Act No. 40/1964 Coll., Civil Code, as amended, cannot participate in the Competition.

  3. Participants who enter the Competition will be automatically entered into the prize draw if, within the period specified in Article III of the Statute, they fill out an online form published on the Competition Announcer’s website and social networks, in which they will intuitively guess the content of the box created by the Competition Announcer, referred to as the “Curious Box” (hereinafter referred to as the “Curious Box”).

  4. Participants who fraudulently interfere with the Competition mechanism to obtain prizes they would not otherwise have won or could not participate in the Competition are excluded from the Competition.

  5. If a person who does not meet any of the conditions specified in the Statute participates in the Competition, they are automatically excluded from the Competition and are not entitled to any prize.

  6. If no one participates in the Competition or if no Participants meet the participation conditions as specified in the Statute, no one will win, and the prizes will be forfeited to the Competition Announcer.

  7. Each Participant can participate in the Competition only once.

  8. By participating in the Competition, each Participant declares that Meta Platforms, Inc., as the operator of the social networks Facebook and Instagram, has no obligations towards them.


Meeting the conditions of the Competition allows for the following prizes to be won:

  • A ticket to the Pohoda 2025 festival worth €100.00

  • The contents of the Curious Box worth €127.13

The total value of the prizes is €227.13.

  1. In accordance with the provisions of Act No. 595/2003 Coll. on Income Tax, as amended, monetary and non-monetary prizes worth over €350.00 are subject to income tax and are subject to public health insurance contributions in accordance with Act No. 580/2004 Coll. on Health Insurance, as amended. The Income Tax Act determines which prizes and awards are fully exempt from tax (e.g., prizes up to €350), which are partially exempt from tax (e.g., if the prize exceeds €350, its value above €350 is included in the tax base), as well as the method of taxation and who is responsible for the taxation – either the winner or the competition announcer.


  1. The draw, i.e., the random selection of one winner from the Participants who meet all the conditions of participation in the Competition according to the Statute and win the prizes (hereinafter referred to as the “Winner”), will take place no later than 3 days after the end of the Competition as specified in Article III of the Statute, i.e., no later than July 16, 2024.

  2. Two authorized employees of the Competition Announcer will evaluate the fulfillment of the Competition conditions according to the Statute and conduct the draw for the Winner.

  3. One Winner will be drawn, who will receive both prizes.

  4. Two alternates will also be drawn in case the drawn Winner does not meet any of the conditions specified in the Statute.

  5. The drawn Winner will be contacted by email by the Competition Announcer within 3 working days from the date of the draw. If other participants are not notified of the prize within the above-mentioned period, it means they were not selected. The Winner must respond to the Competition Announcer’s notification within 48 hours and state whether they accept the prize.

  6. If the contacted Winner accepts the prize, the awarding of the prizes will take place at a time and place agreed upon between the Competition Announcer and the Winner. For this purpose, the Winner must cooperate with the Competition Announcer.

  7. If the Winner does not agree to accept the prize or declines the prize, or if the Winner does not meet any of the conditions specified in the Statute, the prize will be offered to an alternate drawn for the respective prize. If the alternate does not agree to accept the prize or declines the prize, or if the alternate does not meet any of the conditions specified in the Statute, the prize will be forfeited to the Competition Announcer.

  8. The Participant has no legal right to the prize; the prize cannot be claimed in court, nor can the Competition Announcer be asked for the financial equivalent of the prize.

  9. The Winner of the competition will be determined by random selection - draw.

  10. The results of the draw are final and cannot be appealed.

  11. The Competition Announcer is not responsible for any defects in the prizes, nor for any damages caused to the Participants in connection with the use (realization) of the prizes. Complaints about prizes obtained free of charge are excluded.


  1. Participants acknowledge that by voluntarily participating in the competition, they grant the Competition Announcer voluntary consent to the processing of personal data in the scope of identification and contact data for the duration of the Competition and its evaluation, but no longer than for one (1) year from the end of the Competition, in accordance with Act No. 18/2018 Coll. on Personal Data Protection, as amended, and Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation).

  2. Participants have the right to withdraw their consent in writing at the address of the Competition Announcer’s registered office or in person; otherwise, the consent expires one year from the end of the Competition.

  3. The provision of personal data by Participants is voluntary. No cross-border transfer to third countries is carried out.

  4. Each Participant provides their personal data to the extent necessary to uniquely identify them and subsequently contact them in case of winning. If a Participant is drawn as a Winner and wins a prize, they can give the Competition Announcer explicit written consent to process their personal data, especially to create and publish likenesses, audiovisual recordings, and images of the Winner, and to publish the Winner’s name and surname in a reasonable manner in the mass media, in connection with the prize in the Competition. Not granting this consent is not a condition for participating in the Competition or for receiving the prize.

  5. The provisions of this article regarding the Winner apply accordingly to the alternates.


  1. By participating in the competition, Participants agree with this Statute. If a person does not agree with any condition or clause in this Statute, they must not participate in the Competition.

  2. The Competition Announcer reserves the right to change the Statute or cancel the Competition at any time, especially if it would suffer damage. The Competition Announcer will publish changes to the Statute or the cancellation of the Competition on its website or on its Facebook and Instagram pages.

  3. In case of any ambiguities regarding the conditions of the Competition or the provisions of the Statute, the Competition Announcer reserves the right to clarify these ambiguities and possibly change the Statute.

  4. The Competition Announcer is not responsible for any damages incurred by the Winners or alternates in connection with the received prizes.

  5. The Competition Announcer declares that the Competition is not sponsored, endorsed, administered by, or associated with the operators of Facebook and Instagram, and they have no obligations towards the Participants.

  6. Any objections to the course of the competition can be sent to the Competition Announcer in writing to the postal address provided in these rules within 3 working days from the end of the Competition. Objections submitted later will not be considered.

  7. In case of any doubts about the fulfillment of the competition rules, the Competition Announcer will decide on further actions and reserves the right to change this Statute and/or the conditions of the Competition after its announcement.

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